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Aerial image of divers and support boats around the Perhentian Islands in Malaysia - KILROY
Aerial images of divers on the water's surface in Malaysia - KILROY

Scuba dive the Perhentian Islands

Discover the underwater paradise of the Perhentian Islands in Malaysia, where fundiving adventures await! Nestled in the crystal-clear waters of the South China Sea, these islands offer an unparalleled diving experience for seasoned divers.

With vibrant coral reefs, diverse marine life, and stunning underwater landscapes, every dive promises a new and exciting discovery. Our diving packages ensure you get the most out of your underwater exploration, making your trip to the Perhentian Islands an unforgettable journey into the heart of the ocean. Dive in and experience the magic beneath the waves!

Why dive with KILROY?

Feel safe

Our partners are thoroughly vetted and quality checked. No need to worry about things not being in order.

Always there

We're with you all the way. If something unexpected happens, you can trust that we'll help you out.

More money, more time

We've done the research for you to save you for time. Have peace of mind knowing you get bang for your buck.

Find the right dive experience for you

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