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Middle East

Image of a road leading through sand dunes somewhere in the Middle East - KILROY
Image of a city skyline in the Middle East - KILROY

Travel to the Middle East - Desert, sand and eastern mystique

Situated between Asia, Africa and Europe, the Middle East is a real blend of cultures, religions and lifestyles. A trip to the Middle East is guaranteed to bombard your senses with fascinating colours, smells, sounds and tastes. From the beaches, shopping festivals, golf courses and luxury hotels of Dubai to the meandering bazaars and markets of Oman, it's difficult to know where to begin. The Middle East is home to some of the world's oldest cities and buildings, and yet is also home to some of the most ultra-modern as well. In the Middle East, you'll see a bit of everything.

Our destinations in the Middle East


Indiana Jones or beach bum?

If you're looking for a real Indiana Jones experience, then look no further than the ancient city of Petra in Jordan. Listed as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, it is a completely overwhelming experience. How about an afternoon camel ride through the desert to watch a genuine camel race? An age-old sport that is experiencing a comeback in the United Arab Emirates.

If you're into sun, sand and relaxation, it's not hard to find a good, unspoiled beach as you travel around the Middle East. When you get tired of lazing about, you can slip into the Red Sea for some world-class snorkelling or SCUBA diving, where colourful fish and corals stretch as far as the eye can see.

Stopovers in the Middle East

Several cities in the Middle East are building a good reputation as stopover cities on trips to Southeast Asia and Oceania. Cities like Abu Dhabi and Dubai offer lots of adventures and great shopping if you have some extra days to spare or just want to break up the long trip abroad.

You can marvel at some of the world's most impressive architecture and construction projects, including the amazing Burj Khalifa tower, which rises 828-metres above Dubai, where you also find the Palm islands, the World islands. Abu Dhabi has its own huge projects as most of the Yas Island is being turned into a visitor heaven with museums and amusement parks - it even has its own Formula 1 track!

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