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Image of a group of Sadhus in India - KILROY
Image of a young female traveller covered in colourful paint at the Holi festival in India - KILROY

Experience the best of India on a group tour

India - a country where you can lose yourself in the crowd and find yourself just as quickly at a local ashram. It's a country of extreme contrast, from the snow-covered peaks of the Himalayas in the north to the tropical beaches of the south. And the food really is something to write home about. 

Sure, it can be a little overwhelming. The sights, the sounds and the sheer scale of the place. And that's why we offer a range of group tours - to help you navigate the best of India with like-minded travellers and fun local guides. 

Our tours are designed especially for 18-to-30-somethings, so you're guaranteed a young vibe with fun activities that get you under the skin of India and its kaleidoscope of cultures. 


Feel safe

We work with experienced partners that are thoroughly vetted and quality checked. No matter where you travel, you can rest assured that things are in order and you're in good hands.

Advice you can trust

Our travel advisors live and breathe travel. They go out of their way to share their best tips so you get an awesome experience.

More money, more time

We've done the research for you. Leave with peace of mind knowing you'll avoid pitfalls and tourist traps, getting the most value for your money.

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