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Image of a volunteer at a food shop in Ho Chi Minh City - KILROY
Image of a doctor treating a young child in a hospital in Vietnam - KILROY

Become a volunteer in Vietnam

Make a difference to local communities by participating in one of our volunteer programmes in Vietnam. Assist with food preparation at an NGO-run food shop in Ho Chi Minch City that provide heavily subsidised, low-cost meals. Or if you're planning a career in the medical profession, join a hospital placement and shadow local medical professionals to gain valuable experience and insight into the Vietnamese healthcare system. 


You'll be provided with basic shared accommodation and daily meals on the days you're working at the project. On weekends you'll have free time to explore the area and enjoy leisure time with your fellow volunteers. Our volunteer projects also include an arrival transfer with a warm welcome when you get to Vietnam. Choose to stay for a fortnight or two months.

Why volunteer in Vietnam with KILROY?

Feel safe

We work with experienced partners that are thoroughly vetted and quality checked. No matter where you travel, you can rest assured that things are in order and you're in good hands.

Always there

We're with you all the way. If something unexpected happens, you can trust that we're there to help you out.

Plan in advance

We're all for freestyling but deciding on certain things before you go saves you from spending precious travel time sorting out practicalities.

Find your perfect volunteer project in Vietnam

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